It's finally here! I ordered this tanning lotion last month and it's finally here! I used up all of my tanning lotions so I needed a new one. I had a little bit left of my Bohemia by Designer Skin left that I had been using. I started going to Dark Side and one of the girls who works there wanted to make sure I had lotion so she took a look at it and was asking me bunch of questions then she asked me if it expired and I said I didn't think so because I bought it not that long ago but it was on special. So she asked if she could remove the sticker tag and what do you know? It was expired. So always double check! It was not runny or anything so I didn't think it was. It's pretty clever how they covered it up with sticker tags. One was the "original" price and the other sticker was the "clearance" price. So always always double check!
I am eager to try my new lotion because I have been going to that same salon for about 2 months now and I have not really seen any results. Now this could be due to my lotion and their bulbs. They say they got the new bulbs and yeah, you can tell it gets a lot hotter but I do not really see results.They also try to restrict me on the amount I can go in. I got a membership and they have been telling me I could only go for 10 minutes. I could understand if I were so pale but I still have a little bit of color left from the summer and I do not burn. My melada friend also went with me and they tried to tell her she could only go for 15 meanwhile she was the darkest person at the salon.
I will give this lotion a try and hopefully I will notice some difference. If not maybe it's their bulbs. I know there are some places that no matter what lotion I use I rarely see a difference. So I know it is their bulbs and lack of people going there because beds are always so cold and it takes 10 minutes for it to warm up.
What tanning lotions do u use? I really need a good one. I know designer skin carries some good ones. Did anyone try their BLACK TANNING BED LOTION 20X SILICONE BRONZER? I heard some good things about that one too.
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