Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Money saving secerts for items you already have at home

If you are almost out of your favorite lipstick don't throw it out! Use your lip brush and scoop it out! (If you do not have a lip brush, you can always use a q-tip.

Almost out of toothpaste? Place the toothpaste tube in a cup of hot water for one minute and then squeeze it out. You can always squeeze it all out or just cut the tube, so you can reach the last part of the tube.
One study indicates that those "empty" tubes are actually 13% full.
You can always purchase a $3 toothpaste squeezer.

Thick Honey / molasses? Put the jar into a hot-water bath to make the inside more liquidy, and it will flow out very nicely.

If you are low on lotion use your scissors and cut of the bottom, then just scoop out the lotion and voila!


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