It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.
So true!
P.s Going to apologize in advance for not updating so much, or not blogging about make up. I've been extremely busy and dealing with a lot. I'm supposed to have a surgery on June 1 but I think that it may be postponed due to another issue that just came up. Everything just seems to be piling up and seems like I've been having to deal with all these challenges to see if I'm going to make or break.
My health hasn't been the greatest and I mean it's sad that I'm only 24 going through things that people go in their 50's but at least it gives me a new perspective and make me appreciate things and understand those who suffer from the same thing I do.
Believe when people say your health should be number one because honestly, without it, you're screwed and everything just keeps piling up.
Wish me luck with surgery and all these other treatments I have to deal with !
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