Sunday, February 2, 2014

Ab roller review

I purchased this a few weeks ago from Target for 39.99. This is supposed to be like a 3   in 1 machine. It is for abs..shoulders and arms.It came with a cd that had a few exercises on it and ofcourse instructions on how to set it up. It was missing 2 screws  so I had to look around the house to try to find one that worked. Luckily my dad had some spare ones and we were able to set it up. I used it for less than 2 weeks and decided to return it because it was hurting my neck and back and I didn't find it too sterdy for other exercises. That plastic support that went at the bottom just wasn't doing it for me. I was afraid that it would break and I would fall on my face when doing the dip.
My first impressions:
*3 in 1 gives you a good variety of diffrent exercises and muscle groups
*pretty affordable
*easy to set up
*comes with an exercise cd

*head rest was too small and it started to hurt my neck
*it wasn't sturdy enough for me to do other exercises
*didn't like the fact that screws were already missing. I am assuming someone returned it and forgot to return the screws with it

All in was an ok product ,it just was not for me because my neck started hurting and I found it unstable and wabbly and was afraid to do other exercises because I kept thinking it might break.  Do you guys have any experience with ut. What are your thoughts?


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