It's that time again, the winter blues are back! I don't know about you but I know that my mood changes drastically in the winter time. I get more moody, I have less patience, I lose interest in activities. Overall, not a good time of the year. However, there are many things we can do to try to turn this around.
Recently I've been diagnosed with a few things (nothing severe but makes you double think everything in life) and I realized that health is the most important thing that you need in life. If you're not healthy, everything else will slowly start going down the drain. You will start worrying about your health which in turn leads into stress and anxiety, and many other things.
Anyways, here are some things you could do to deal with the winter blues.
1. Take care of your health! Start eating healthier, drink plenty of water, and get 6-8 hrs of sleep. Also try to drink around 8 glasses a day of water. ( Not only will it keep you dehydrated, it will keep you full, it will also help your skin stay moisturized.
2. Think positive. It's important to look at the bright side and have positive attitude. I for example hate snow, but there's nothing I can do about it, unless I decide to move away, which is not an option right now. So, I can either sit and home and be grumpy, or I can try to enjoy it. I take walks in the snow, and I also go tanning which makes me feel a lot better :)
Remember, life is what you make it to be!!
3. Do something nice for yourself. Enjoy a day at the spa, or get a new hair cut, or go for a pedicure and manicure.
4. Go tanning! Not only will you have a nice tan, but you will feel a lot better as well, and you will start looking forward to the summer :)
5.Avoid people who stress you out! Surround yourself with positive people, and your attitude will change.
6. Get a hobby. It will keep you busy and also give you energy, and something to look forward to.
I hope this helps, and once again remember, you will go through a lot of things in life, good and bad. There's going to be times when you will have no control over what happens. However, you will have full control over how you look at those things. So stay positive!
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